Successful cases

Phone Cover Appearance Inspection

Application Scenario

In the context of industrial automation, the electronics manufacturing industry has largely completed its production line upgrades, transitioning from manual production and inspection to automated equipment-based production and inspection. To ensure product quality, mobile phone manufacturers have introduced visual inspection systems to monitor the quality of phone components and meet their quality standards.

Project Challenges

    1. Variety of Defects: Mobile phone cover plates can exhibit a wide range of defects, including obvious flaws like surface scratches and damages, as well as subtle issues such as tiny bubbles, protrusions, and unevenness that are difficult to detect. The diversity of defect types necessitates the use of multiple lighting schemes. To avoid missed detections, it is essential to arrange multiple inspection stations for image capture.

    2. Environmental and Material Interference: During surface defect detection, complex environmental factors and the material properties of the products can interfere with visual inspection, making it challenging to distinguish between dust, impurities, fingerprints, and scratches.

I-TEK Solution: 8K Time Division Flash Strobe Line Scan Camera

    1. Integration of Multiple Lighting Schemes: This camera can integrate multiple lighting schemes into a single inspection station, saving space while improving inspection efficiency. It meets the requirements for high integration, high efficiency, high performance, and low-cost inspection.

    2. 4-Line TDI Imaging Technology: Compared to standard single-line cameras, this solution offers higher sensitivity and responsiveness.

    3. Time Division Flash Strobe: The camera's time division flash strobe design prevents image confusion caused by timing misalignment.
